Excellent! Accurate portrayal of an American who's life has been spent successfully fighting for those that have No Voice.. yet are so critical a part of LIFE... Nature and those that love the Earth like Native Americans, deserve leadership like RFK Jr.'s. Our entire nation, and Life on the Earth in the broadest sense need RFK Jr. to be elected to the Presidency.. Let's see if we can help him get there...

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There can be no absolution for America's original sin until penance is observed.

Beyond Mr. Kennedy's brave, enlightened commitments to justice for the indigenous peoples living within his country's political borders, I submit that he must come to grips with a savage reality.

Motivation for America's war against indigenous peoples transcends the unquenchable hunger for material wealth. This is a holy war, a relentless attack upon spiritual values and the religious practices that emerge therefrom. Cultural annihilation is the ultimate objective. Indian schools. Forbidden use by children of native languages. Desecration of holy lands (the abomination of Mt. Rushmore, for dramatic example). Casino bribes.

For indigenous peoples, America has become a giant Warsaw Ghetto.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Keala Kelly

Russell Means AIM late cofounder said You all on a reservation now. Definitely Gaza folks. 10K political prisoners Israel snagged. Btw FREE Leonard Peltier

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Keala Kelly

Thank you!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Keala Kelly


Why not the same Solidarity with the Indigenous Palestinian People who have suffered so much for over 75 years? They are Occupied by Israel.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Keala Kelly

Thank you for this article. Son is tribal enrolled Athabascan from a Alaskan village. Israel is bully to Palestine’s Indigenous and vicious settler colonizers in a apartheid state. No way around it. Been observing this oppression since 1969. #LandBack and Justice then Peace. Enough. Idle No More. Viva Palestina.

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Maybe Leonard Pelltier will be released before he passes

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Yes but what about the indigenous people of Palestine? Please read a short history by Alison Weir called Against Our Better Judgment or of course many other studies that will refute the propaganda war we are living through.

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Hi Anita, Let's examine this together on a longer time line.. Yes, it's a fact there is Jewish propaganda in America that has been going on for decades.. influencing our foreign policy in Israel's favor.. It is also a fact that the Palestinians are not Indigenous.. and Hamas is dedicated to the Extermination of Jews, period. There is in fact historical evidence that the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were established about 1000 BC.. by King David.. and over the last 3000 years it's been an unending cascade of Wars.. involving Jews, Muslims, and Christians and all their various factions..

All slaughtering each other claiming only they deserve access to Jerusalem and their particular Religious site...

Once again that great Barbaric Tradition was clearly on display in living color broadcast around the World... The Videos Hamas made during the Oct. raid.. Raping teens, the butchering of babies... killing entire families.. in a flash.. as ghastly as ghastly gets...

So Can RFK Jr.'s foreign policy really change that Ocean of Violence and Hate? I don't know..? I do know his Geo political views aline with his uncle JFK 's and that is plenty good for me..

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Keala Kelly

Actually, JFK was critical of Israel and it may have had a role in his assassination.

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People here commented about the Palestinians. I just found this compelling short video with

the late Bishop Desmond Tutu. If only RFK, Jr., would hear these words and be moved to

re-evaluate some of his statements.


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