None of the questions asked pointed in the direction of the nation's underlying problems - the chronic disease epidemics, the corporate capture, censorship, etc.

We learned nothing because the ABC (yes, DNC aligned) will never go there.

That is why they would never allow RFK Jr. to debate.

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Nailed it, Louis.

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and this elusive entity ?? Similar to the elusive virus...

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Chronic Degenerative Disease is hardly an epidemic by definition. It was not different 35 years ago. Election theft is front row and center. The fact that RFK, Musk, Gabbard and countless others support DJT is of crucial import at this time.

Perhaps the Beacon should fake away as the editors seem to be without clue...

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Really Louis??? How about election theft and integrity of the elections?

How about the millions of deliberate violent illegal "newcomers"

Censorship is being handled by Musk and DJT, assistance is useful but hardly necessary.

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Kamala's insistence on women's bodies being our own - yet no one mentioned the mandates when no one's bodies were their own . . . and even now if you want to work on the Harris campaign, you have to be vaccinated and boosted. Really? WTF???

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I was yelling that at the screen at that point.

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As were we all. Just nuts.

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Kamel Hair is a Marxist and that is absolutely consistent.

Abortion has nothing to do with body ownership.

Abortion is baby killing. Euphemisms are a failed attempt to put lipstick on a pig.

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I agree. ABC was disgraceful, but we knew they would be. Although, the only reason CNN let Biden implode during last debate was bc they were told to. That was a planned coup against Biden.

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Most interesting that the fake news CNN has now admitted that DJT "won" the debate...

His "poll" #'s up over 6%

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Disgracement is candy coating it. Why then are thinking people watching the fake news echo chamber?????????

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While RFK was on the sidelines. Sad state of affairs America.

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Yvonne is replete with false beliefs. RFK is hardly on the sidelines.

His is an integral part of taking back this Republic...

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As much as we've seen MSM's slanted bias, I do not fault the "moderators." I fault the system that allowed money to talk, to sue, smear, censor & thwart Democracy by not allowing Kennedy to be our candidate. We could be listening to intelligent debate, paths & solutions forward. Instead, we are subjected to canned speeches & vitriol.

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We can still blame the moderators too. As pointed out, the moderators in the June debate managed to be neutral.

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though the results were identical. DJT squashed the Marxist bug...

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"we" were programmed and conditioned and PROGRAMMED to accept the pronoucements of the fake news echo chamber, hence the advice on not EVER watching the fake news...

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Excellent comment.

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Bizarre reasoning. You are a just doing their job person.

Using your logic assassins are just doing theirs, yeah?

Fools who spray RoundUp are just killing weeds, yeah??

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They were "moderators" & we knew they would NOT be hard hitting journalists with integrity. Why? Because the powers that be have decided the tone & are controlling the narrative.

Should everyone do their job & be held to excellence? Yes, of course-ALWAYS!! But the main issue is that MSM is bought & paid for & controlled. We need a complete overhaul of our media that is no longer concerned with truth.

I just came upon this that one of the topics re media propaganda to be discussed at the free DC event on 9/29/24:


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In a debate both sides get to answer the same question to reveal their position and capability. This was not conducted as a presidential debate. It was more of a cross examination of Trump as though in front of judge and jury.

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Just remember: anything can happen between now and the election. Personally, I am hoping Kennedy re-enters in the final scene playing the part of Fortinbras, lamenting the wreckage that corruption has wrought and offering a hopeful message for the future.

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Kennedy remains the remedy!

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Not as long as he also “ supports Isrehell”

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truly delusional cheerleading

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agree wholeheartedly! No wonder they didn't want RFK Jr there -

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interesting idea, when RFK is not remotely in the running

where is your logic?

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The earring had a mic in it! No word salads! She had the questions beforehand, in order. The female moderator has been her friend for 30+years!

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I'll never understand this obsession with "getting the questions ahead of time". As if any of those questions are ever a surprise.

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if you do not comprehend that, then perhaps you might provide the short list of that which you do comprehend?

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Has been documented on line. Anyone can order the “ new” earring microphone apparatus.

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The mic disclosure spread like wildfire. ABC whistleblower about to squeal on feeding the questions to Kamel in advance. Once that occurs the Pedo network ABC (Disney) is but a turd circling the bowl...

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absolutely accurate

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'But the phrase “free speech” was mentioned zero times. Health was discussed only in the context of continued arguments about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). There was nothing about why Americans are less healthy than ever.'

That's my biggest criticism. Not one peep about free speech, even by Trump, who apparently spoke quite a bit about it at his recent Wisconsin rally. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/donald-trump-comes-out-swinging-for

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There was a number of issues that should have been brought up that were notably absent. It was disappointing that Kennedy's influence wasn't more apparent last night.

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The tactic used against him was to keep him busy responding to a continuous barrage of lies that he had to address. That took up all his time. It was tightly controlled.

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Like a real obvious one: "How long were you aware of Joe Biden's mental state and did you try to do anything to get him to step down earlier?"

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Somebody else mentioned today, it might've been Taibbi, that ABC was effective at controlling the subject matter of the questions to those that were friendly to Harris.

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Exactly. Out of the gate they put Trump on the defensive.

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Yeah because he’s a Moron how can u support trump? What cool aid are u drinking

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I can support Trump because I didn't fall for the Smear. RFK realized they did to Trump what they did to him with relentless demonizing, dehumanizing and discrediting. But they are both strong, benevolent, highly intelligent and determined to save this country from totalitarianism. It is very good that they have joined forces.

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Bobby is a tool trump is using bim to get support from fringe voters . If and when Trump actually supports Bobby’s issues and makes public Pls send me the memo!

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As a recent supporter of rfk jr no longer as ha sold his self to the devil trump

Supporting trump is a huge mistake politically and morally

History either way election goes he will be a looser

On all fronts though his message regarding some issues will be heard I hope

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Free speech? Common you have plenty of free speech .. look on tv etc each day !!! Free speach non stop disturbing often

I have c lived around the world Americans are less Heathy 1 eat too much 2 eat junk food 3 don’t exercise

Not complicated..the solution it’s uninformed and lazy people who don’t cook and eat properly . It ‘s not difficult to cook rice and beans

Health issues we see don’t happen in India china etc look at their films

Called get a grip no fast food make an effort to eat grains and beans a lot of fruit a banana a day does Miracles

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It’s bad when the top story of the “debate “ was the moderators, not the candidates.

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No kidding!

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Shameful travesty of democracy ... ABC is partisanship with utter impunity ... and anyone who applauds their "journalistic" performance has lost all sight of classical liberalism ...

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It wasn't harris debating Trump it was the "moderators" debating trump. Way out of order. That is breach of contract, was the agreement in writing? Other way around and they would be spending millions in revenge.

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In this age of falsehoods, there is one indisputable fact, and that is that Trump is the king of spewing absurdity. I found the debate to be an embarrassment, and emblematic of a nation in severe decline.

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But Harris's flip flopping and lying is okay? Going unchecked on the lies she told was an embarrassment to ABC- indisputable! ABC did not get to the real issues or press for answers!

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KF I have no argument with you. about Harris flip-flopping. My point is that Trump shouting over his opponent and being a thug, is antithetical to what a real leader is. He cancels out the chance for a discussion of the issues.

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Pretty sure they both shouted over their opponent. Trump is not a politician and therefore does not act like one. Harris could have taken the opportunity to state her case, but she did not. She just spewed the same old. I was hoping for an in-depth look at what she REALLY stands for. Did not happen. Harris needs to do a few Town Halls and interviews that are not edited or scripted. She is an embarrassment to her party and right now, as VP , to her country, regardless of Trump.

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Also an embarrassment to women!

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Not sure why you would be hopeful??? The fake news echo chamber has been entirely consistent for decades...

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so you are a Beta snowflake fresh off the plantation?

Thug assertions are the blatherfest of a Deranged Beta

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Trump did not shout over her and he was most certainly not a thug. You must be getting that from propaganda outlets because that definitely did not happen.

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the Dx is TDS, an end stage case

there is no known cure

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you are correct. There was no shouting- but they both talked over each other. I am a Kennedy Independent voting for Trump. Harris did not do any favors for herself and she successfully goaded Trump to say some things I was hoping he would not mention. ABC was horrible and also an embarrassment!

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He had to respond to the defamatory lies. He had no choice and given the limited time he had to respond, the whole thing was very controlled. She and her party are dishonest. It takes an educated and astute populace to see through them. A large percentage of our populace is neither, and that's the problem. Trump did the best he could do. Pray for him, for his continued strength and protection.

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Yeah. Trump spewed non-stop crazy lies such as (1) immigrants steal peoples dogs and cats (2) babies are executed AFTER birth. Trump is nuts and I am disappointed that my fellow RFK supporters don't see it

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I see it and it frustrates the hell out of me. This was his opportunity, despite the cards being stacked, to reassure Independents and RFK Jr. supporters that he hears us and is not taking us for granted. I heard nothing to reassure me that he will let Bobby into his administration. Serious work needs to be done!

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Trump brought up that he is working out a new plan for healthcare that will be better than Obamacare. They asked him to explain it but Trump replied he’s not president yet but we’re planning something better. I believe Trump was referring to working with RFK on this.

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There are credible reports of immigrants taking ducks from ponds and other community animals and pets. The after birth abortion came from the former governor of Virginia. I remember seeing the clip of him saying exactly what Trump said. I believe it pertained to a sick baby and the decision of how to treat or not to treat. There was also talk of full term abortion in New York that I saw a few years back. Trump isn't nuts. He was being factual and as usual, was called a liar by liars.

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People like Charles are so clueless, that if the prize was 50 mil in cask to convince "Charles" of any one of his false beliefs, you could not collect

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Someone is not nuts they are clueless.

That is without clue.

Get Help

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You win the award for the stupidest comment of the day. Congrats and get some help

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ABC just proved that they are DNC aligned and Paid by Soros! Trump was debating three people!!

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Shanna, where have you been??? The Fake News Echo Chamber has been entirely consistent. DJT has over 70% of registered voters, hence the panic

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I agree with this article, but we need to face the obvious. There are many blogs and articles that will point this out and nothing changes. I think we need a wizard that posts in a highly followed X account that asks for a vote of the various behaviors of the moderators. If viral then the moderators realize there is a risk to their reputations. Think about Elon Musk re-tweeting such a survey. Yes or no to fact checking Trump more than Harris - Yes or no on how many time Trump was cut off versus Harris - Yes or no on cutting trump off and challenging him - Yes or no questions not asked that should have been. If anyone reading this can pass this on to such wizard, I would be grateful.

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Those items don't require a survey. Simply analyzing the video would suffice, without introducing a lot of personal opinions. Your very last item about unasked questions, yes, that would be a good survey item.

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