YES to RFK Jr. being a peace president, like his uncle (and as his father would have been).

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In my opinion, the odds are very much against any direct military confrontation with China. However, we definitely need someone like RFK Jr. that is not a warmonger and could bring some sense to USA foreign policy!

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I believe that Kennedy will not become president!

Perhaps he doesn't even want to be President, but just to be a spoiler to bring down the Democrats! After all,If he became president he would have no one of quality to work with.The whole Democrat party today is filled with useless hangers on with almost no stature...He would not become leader of the party as it was in 1960 when JFK became president....He would head a party of Democrats that would be a sinking ship!

Plus he would need to take orders from the vested interests who own the Democrats!

No serious person can believe that Biden & his gang work their own agenda,they are tools of foreign vested interests.Who ever succeed Biden will be in the same situation!

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I'm inclined to agree. A huge number of people don't even know he is running. He is an underdog. But hey, miracles sometimes happen.

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John,there are issues swirling around in this world today that are revolutionary & This upcoming election may not even mean much.

If Kennedy won he would need to be super man to overcome all the giant issues coming down on America!

I put little hope in Washington regardless of who becomes president!

All the corruption & Political Malaise & corruption in Washington are too far gone to be saved & reversed!

I put My hopes for the Nation with the Free & Sovereign States of our Federated Republic & our

U.S. Constitution!

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Agreed! Kennedy may be a step in the right direction, but it will take a superhuman effort, from more than just one person, to turn the nation and the world around and restore some semblance of sanity.

This is why I believe many of us are writing here on substack. Voices need to rise above the censorship and corruption. The population must start caring about more than just their day to day struggle with life.

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John I hope your right,but I think the problems are much bigger around the world & we will have a big fight on our hands in a world gone mad!

There are a lot of hidden global Issues to be addressed.

The BRIC"s,

The fall of the Western European NWO.

The Federal Government in Washington is Completely Unconstitutional..has been since 1913.

Shutting down the Southern Border.

A president now taking bribes from foreign countries

A giant Debt,33 Billion$ that will never be repaid!

An Income Tax that is probably illegal from an Amendment(16) that was never fully ratified but pushed thru any way!

A financial System run by a cartel of private bankers in the For profit Fed.

A 9/11 catastrophe that we lied to about!

Oswald may not have shot Kennedy.

There is a ton of corruption below the surface ready to explode.

A change in Washington won't do much to fix a severely crippled political Structure.

Only a back to the States & the Constitution can Help!

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You've spelled out the problems quite well. It looks bleak, but if we have any true hope for peaceful improvement we must have hope that one step at a time we can start going in the correct direction. This will not be a quick fix, nor will it be a painless fix.

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Great article. Kennedy needs to make his opposition to imperialist war the main focus of his campaign. It's become obvious to any sane American paying attention that our ruling class has gone mad. The drive to war with China is the suicidal act of a madman. If it's doesn't result in nuclear Holocaust and the end of all terrestrial life on earth, the fact the China produces almost everything the Pentagon relies on ensures the west will lose.

The insane decision to back a handful of Nazis in Ukraine (if you don't believe me yet google Canadian parliament gives standing ovation to Nazi) with heavy weaponry is a foreshadowing of what will happen on a world scale if these lunatics are not taken out of power. The inflation that every worker in the US now suffers from was largely caused by removing Russian oil and gas from the market, although that is not reported. Our climate crisis was greatly exacerbated by Bidens decision (if he even makes decisions) to commit the greatest act of ecoterrorism in world history by blowing up NS. Add to that about 400k dead Ukrainians and you've got exhibits 1-3 proving that our leadership is criminally insane.

Good speed to Kennedy and anyone who fights to stop these war crazed lunatics running the US!

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Some commenters have brought up the risks of our nation being vulnerable if we reduce our military presence. When I was a kid, we did the nuclear war drills in school. Some people wanted bunkers. The question became "Do you want to live in a bunker or die with your neighbors? I know I don't want to live in a bunker or in constant fear. I don't believe the people of Russia or China do either. You have to believe a solution is possible for it to actually be possible. RFK believes world peace is possible and so do I. I'm willing to risk the consequences if I am wrong for the possibility that I might be right. Give RFK a chance. Give peace a chance.

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The USA is in a great position to de-escalate the world. Our spending and military strength is so absurdly high, that we could cut spending, pour that money back into reducing our debt and building our economy (making us even stronger). This would give other nations a chance to follow our lead and also cut so they can invest their military spending into their own nations instead of large military forces.

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RFK, Jr. would make a good president. He'll have to run as an independent, because Democrats won't allow him to win the nomination.

But for the first time since Ross Perot, an independent has a good shot at winning the presidency - if that candidate is RFK, Jr.

Tens of millions of Americans are sick and tired of Democrats and Republicans, Biden and Trump. Most Americans are still centrists politically, and they would like an alternative like RFK, Jr.

Ross Perot had an equal chance of winning until he screwed up royally months before the election. RFK, Jr. has as good or even better chance of winning if he re runs as an independent. He has zero shot as a Democrat.

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Absolutely! RFK Jr is our best hope for finally making progress against the two party tyranny disaster.

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What if neither Biden, nor Trump, nor RFK, Jr. get 270 Electoral College votes in the General Election? What happens then?

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That would be interesting. The House picks the president in that case, if I'm correct. But a lot of House Republicans hate Trump, so it's hard to say who would be president.

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So important

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Beacon crew: how about a tiny author bio at end of all articles and doesn’t have to be formal. It could include any major work or website of the perceptive minds you post here. Thanks. Carlin’s Club of our rulers need a Kennedy Coup.

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Who (name) is the cartoonist -- Alex Discenoco ??

Can’t read his signed name. He is outstanding !!!

Many thanks in advance.

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5 star article! This is the kind of information people need to have!

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The Republican Party is comprised of many factions, of which one is composed of politicians who match the stereotype that you present in your article. As Donald Trump is decidedly not a member of this faction you should not have implied that he is!

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THANK YOU for laying out this PEACEFUL RFK policy on China! I had been worried he agreed with "establishment" thinking that China was our new enemy. We don't need any enemies! Let those armament manufacturers who've flourished since World War II go out of business -- or find something beneficial to build. Solar panels? Create new forests and public gardens? Roads that allow water to sink into ground? Railroads that run on solar and travel slowly so that passengers can enjoy our beautiful country? With tickets at cheap prices. Bicycle buses with canvas rooftops to keep out sun and rain?

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I'd add to my comment above: "As for our military, which is having trouble getting kids to sign up, let it wither and return to pre-World War One levels."

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China is well aware that RFK, Jr. had promised to close down all our worldwide military bases when he becomes President. That promise


Wasn't it FDR who said it's best to "Speak softly but carry a BIG STICK?"

That's so you have a big stick for when countries start causing problems, like China invading Taiwan, that, oh, by the way, only manufactures and ships the U.S. almost every bit of our everyday pharmaceuticals, like Tylenol.

The BIG STICKS are our military bases set in different parts of the world. We hope not to use them, but we can't possibly get rid of all our military bases. That would be suicide.

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America is gutting ourselves to death and decline at hone because of imperialism abroad. Look around, open port hole on your isolation bubble.

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BTW, I'm the opposite of being in a bubble. Tree huggers worth $15 million dollars like RFK, Jr. are not in touch with what it costs Americans to live now. Trump kept up our of war because the worldwide bullied luke Putin and China knew they could not get away with military action because we were right there, watching them. For exampe, if RFK, Jr becomes President, China knows there will be no real consequences if they invade Taiwan.

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Our death and decline at home is from Biden economics, and our heightened inflation. Our military bases are the same they were under Trump, and look at our economy under Trump. $1.87/gallon gas and appropriate food costs.

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Kennedy has adopted most of the foreign policy positions of the left - high on that list is unilateral disarmament. Historically, the American left has viewed us as the bad guys and of course the governments of our enemies will behave generously once we are defenseless. This is ludicrous. There are no “good guys” and the only rational stance for us is to face that. It does not mean that we must be aggressive but we do need a strong defense.

In addition, there are other ways to undermine our strength. While China and Russia continue to fuel their economies with fossil fuels, we - and Kennedy supports this - switch to renewables that will weaken the electric grid and make electricity, gas, diesel and gasoline more expensive. Kennedy’s organization, Riverkeeper, is responsible for shutting down Indian Point, a functioning nuclear power plant, driving up the cost of Power to Hudson Valley rate payers. This is foolish.

I definitely agree with him on covid vaccines, lockdowns, masking, and censorship. I would like to see him debate one of the climate skeptics who agree that global warming is occurring but it is not a crisis. Quite a few physicists, meteorologists - even Nobel prize winners have come forward. I bet he won’t.

He also exhibits messianic tendencies - certainty can be dangerous.

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It was FDR's uncle Theodore Roosevelt who said that about the big stick. FDR's plan for after World War II was devoting himself to world peace via the United Nations, which he himself basically invented.

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Thanks for letting me know that it was the other Roosevelt.

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Correction to my comment above: Teddy Roosevelt was FDR's 5th cousin! He was Eleanor Roosevelt's uncle. (Her name was also Roosevelt before she married her distant cousin Franklin.) Although Teddy Roosevelt was the man he wanted to model the path of his life on -- and succeeded -- FDR probably agreed with his mom, who thought he took after her own family, the Delano family. (Who got their fortune from the opium trade with China! And lived in China for many years. Another rich American family who got their fortune from the opium trade with China was the Forbes family of of Boston.

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It's my opinion thatn Kennedy

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I wonder what a million dollar life insurance policy on RFK,Jr would cost?

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"China does not want a military conflict with the United States and I'm not afraid of an economic battle with China"

What China has been doing in the last decade is taking a leaf out of JFK's playbook of building bridges, schools and hospitals instead of bombing them. It was Trump's disastrous economic policies and freezing out of Beijing that resulted in the rise of BRICS. Biden's policies towards Russia accelerated it.

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It’s not in the best interest of anyone living on this planet

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