Those hearings need some basic behavior rules! No one should raise their voices, or interrupt. All of their "statements" should be in the form of a question. They can't be blocked from asking ridiculous questions, but they can be blocked from forming them as accusations instead of questions.
Thus far the banshees have attacked most appoitees. They will ramp this up on RFK who will make them appear unprepared without knowledge, facts, or concern.
I wish you continued good health, Caitlin! I, too, had become despondent over what America had become. The nomination of Trump and the alliance between Trump and Kennedy gave me real hope. The inauguration of Trump was a triumph and only requires the confirmation of Bobby and the other nominees to be complete. Good luck with your new venture!
Caitlin your story was very inspirational. I’m also so very excited especially since Jan 20th!!! HOPE has finally returned to our country!! I totally support RFK JR and will be watching all day Wednesday when the questioning starts! He will be challenged but he will overcome because his only agenda is to MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!
Congratulations Caitlin and thanks for sharing your story here. It gives me HOPE as I sit with close friends who hate on our new POTUS and his cabinet picks. I have differences as we all do, but I respect opinions of others … it’s been very challenging at times.
2. Please also contact every member of the two committees holding the confirmation hearings and tell them precisely why you think RFK Jr is the best and only choice for the position.
SOME POINTS TO INCLUDE when you contact the senators (personalize as you wish):
Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.
The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.
This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.
This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.
Bobby needs our support now! The “BIG” agencies do not want him approved as he is a serious threat to their money and power. Pence has organized a 6 figure smear campaign and is asking Republicans to block his confirmation. We need to call the politicians tomorrow and Tuesday before his hearing on Wednesday and Thursday to let them know we support Bobby and that we are watching them. Maybe they will act with a bit of decorum if they know that we are paying attention. Dr. Meryl Nass MD (@merylnass, Meryl’s chaos newsletter, and Zen Honeycutt with both have the names and contact info of the pertinent senators and representatives to call listed on their sites. (They are both, BTW, amazing and informative folks to follow and support) Please call and leave a message of support for Bobby. He asked us for a sword once-let us be his sword now.
I actually despise Pence. Lee Fang has written briefly about Pence's opposition and has promised his readers more. Pence is apparently misstating RFK Jr. position on vaccines. Why he really opposes Bobby is his stance on abortion. I don't think he really has enough influence to derail the confirmation, but he bears watching.
Congrats and continued good health! So much needs attention as the nation became a giant money making bot through the likes of Fauxchi, Theyzag and Biden. HOPE is indeed what is left now with the appointment of RFK jr inbound equipped with a powerful blower to return us to sensible health and common sense approach. All politicians had better take note and confirm him because there will be hell to pay if they don't! Enough with big pharma and big hospitals filled with unqualified medical administrators dedicated to revenue. Enough with questionable doctors who can't think for themselves and look to their student loans instead of their patients, enough with big insurance whose competence resides in denying care and more than enough with big agri who makes us sick with chemical foods. Finally enough with the marketing of it all everywhere you turn: we do not have a good medical system and we will abandon it if things don't get fixed! It's already happening. We refuse to just be fodder for their experiments! Good luck and thanks for all you do and will be doing!
Hope is a beautiful thing! Celebration of the GOOD is a beautiful thing and having friends with like minds is a beautiful thing. I don't think it's even close to over yet - there are very powerful, angry, thwarted people out there who want it ALL back and they are wondering how and why it has been taken. STAND STRONG, ALLTHE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD. IT IS GOING TO TAKE ALL OF US THAT KNOW, TO KEEP EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE WORLD IN OUR ARMS, SAFE AND MOVING FORWARD. THINK UP! There is ALL KINDS OF HELP OUT THERE!
I could not be more pleased and inspired by your recovery, Caitlin. As Americans we need to simply agree - the health and well being of all people should never be a political issue.
Those hearings need some basic behavior rules! No one should raise their voices, or interrupt. All of their "statements" should be in the form of a question. They can't be blocked from asking ridiculous questions, but they can be blocked from forming them as accusations instead of questions.
Thus far the banshees have attacked most appoitees. They will ramp this up on RFK who will make them appear unprepared without knowledge, facts, or concern.
Exactly and certainly bares repeating..
I wish you continued good health, Caitlin! I, too, had become despondent over what America had become. The nomination of Trump and the alliance between Trump and Kennedy gave me real hope. The inauguration of Trump was a triumph and only requires the confirmation of Bobby and the other nominees to be complete. Good luck with your new venture!
Caitlin your story was very inspirational. I’m also so very excited especially since Jan 20th!!! HOPE has finally returned to our country!! I totally support RFK JR and will be watching all day Wednesday when the questioning starts! He will be challenged but he will overcome because his only agenda is to MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!
Congratulations Caitlin and thanks for sharing your story here. It gives me HOPE as I sit with close friends who hate on our new POTUS and his cabinet picks. I have differences as we all do, but I respect opinions of others … it’s been very challenging at times.
1. Click here to quickly email your senators urging them to support RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary. This is a pre-written letter that you can personalize.
Follow-up with a phone call (find your senators here:
2. Please also contact every member of the two committees holding the confirmation hearings and tell them precisely why you think RFK Jr is the best and only choice for the position.
Committee on Finance
Committee on Health Education Labor & Pensions
SOME POINTS TO INCLUDE when you contact the senators (personalize as you wish):
Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.
The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.
This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.
This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.
We are at a critical turning point. The Senate confirmation hearings ended yesterday, and the vote for RFK Jr will be happening soon.
Here are the four senators who most need to hear from us:
(Call both their Wash DC numbers and state capital numbers.)
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• Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
DC number: (202) 224-6665
Juneau, AK number: (907) 586-7277
- -
• Susan Collins (R-ME)
DC number: (202) 224-2523
Augusta, ME number: (207) 622-8414
- -
• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
DC number: (202) 224-2921
Providence, RI number: (401) 453-5294
- -
• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
DC number: (202) 224-5824
Baton Rouge, LA number: (225) 929-7711
Watch and share this video and tag Senator Cassidy. Tell him to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for HHS Secretary.
Beautiful story, evidencing the never give up mantra.
Gut health is where heatlh begins. The Medical Docs are useful for emergency care
and surgical procedures, that is about it.
Bobby needs our support now! The “BIG” agencies do not want him approved as he is a serious threat to their money and power. Pence has organized a 6 figure smear campaign and is asking Republicans to block his confirmation. We need to call the politicians tomorrow and Tuesday before his hearing on Wednesday and Thursday to let them know we support Bobby and that we are watching them. Maybe they will act with a bit of decorum if they know that we are paying attention. Dr. Meryl Nass MD (@merylnass, Meryl’s chaos newsletter, and Zen Honeycutt with both have the names and contact info of the pertinent senators and representatives to call listed on their sites. (They are both, BTW, amazing and informative folks to follow and support) Please call and leave a message of support for Bobby. He asked us for a sword once-let us be his sword now.
Stand For Health Freedom also has links to every senator
I actually despise Pence. Lee Fang has written briefly about Pence's opposition and has promised his readers more. Pence is apparently misstating RFK Jr. position on vaccines. Why he really opposes Bobby is his stance on abortion. I don't think he really has enough influence to derail the confirmation, but he bears watching.
Congrats and continued good health! So much needs attention as the nation became a giant money making bot through the likes of Fauxchi, Theyzag and Biden. HOPE is indeed what is left now with the appointment of RFK jr inbound equipped with a powerful blower to return us to sensible health and common sense approach. All politicians had better take note and confirm him because there will be hell to pay if they don't! Enough with big pharma and big hospitals filled with unqualified medical administrators dedicated to revenue. Enough with questionable doctors who can't think for themselves and look to their student loans instead of their patients, enough with big insurance whose competence resides in denying care and more than enough with big agri who makes us sick with chemical foods. Finally enough with the marketing of it all everywhere you turn: we do not have a good medical system and we will abandon it if things don't get fixed! It's already happening. We refuse to just be fodder for their experiments! Good luck and thanks for all you do and will be doing!
Hope is a beautiful thing! Celebration of the GOOD is a beautiful thing and having friends with like minds is a beautiful thing. I don't think it's even close to over yet - there are very powerful, angry, thwarted people out there who want it ALL back and they are wondering how and why it has been taken. STAND STRONG, ALLTHE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD. IT IS GOING TO TAKE ALL OF US THAT KNOW, TO KEEP EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE WORLD IN OUR ARMS, SAFE AND MOVING FORWARD. THINK UP! There is ALL KINDS OF HELP OUT THERE!
I could not be more pleased and inspired by your recovery, Caitlin. As Americans we need to simply agree - the health and well being of all people should never be a political issue.
I followed you when you were sick and I am amazed to see you now!!!!
Hope. I wish RFK were president
Because I trust him. But I admire him for joining Trump and pray he will be HHS Director.
So you got off on the Berghof.
What a kristallnacht it must have been.