It was good to revisit Robert Kennedy's life and dreams for a better America on this day of remembrance of his death--but I want to continue to look more closely at the incredible actions that Bobby Jr. is responsible for as he lives out his values--NOW. Yes, he is the son of a great man who demonstrated much of what Bobby exemplifies today--but he is his own man. He absolutely takes responsibility for his actions NOW and, though it is good to remember where we came from, we MUST be responsible for this present moment and the actions needed to take us into a better future. The new world we are entering will look nothing like our past and the solutions that worked then will not provide the resolution for the challenges of today. I am very grateful that Bobby Jr. has a firm grasp on the inner workings of our government and court systems--I don't think any candidate out there knows our Constitutional Rights better--but his deep faith in the Divine is critical to a time ahead when none of the answers from the past can be relied on. Do not continue to look backward when we must be fully present now and connected to the Divine, so that we can prepare ourselves for the very challenging future we are facing.

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That Vision is rising NOW!!

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My lifelong recurring nightmare is from the day JFK was ambushed and killed in a crossfire. That to me was the turning point. From a nation with the utmost ideals, we began to sink. The subsequent assassinations, and the coverups only solidified the fascist takeover. I supported Eugene McCarthy's candidacy, but after the bloodbath and repression at the DNC in Chicago, and Nixon's installment............

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The Democrats don't give a damn about minorities. They only care that they can use them to inspire their pearl-clutching virtue-signalers in the Comfortable Class to chant the cheers for their corporate-owned candidates.

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Great piece except for one comment that shows a lack of understanding of foreign policy. The author says that the advanced European nations have a more humane foreign policy than the USA. In fact, they are vassals of NATO. This has become totally clear in how they slavishly go along with the War against Russia in Ukraine. The UK is beating the drum for full on war with Russia. Macron of France has talked about sending troops. All of these countries are massively censoring voices that dissent from this insane anti-Russian foreign policy. So please, no naive belief that the social democracies of Europe are somehow better. They are part of the war machine.

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Interesting -- The original surnames of some Israeli presidents and prime ministers before they changed them are as follows:

David Ben-Gurion (born David Grün)

Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (born Isaac Shimshelevich)

Moshe Sharett (born Moshe Chertok)

Golda Meir (born Golda Mabovitch)

Shimon Peres (born Szymon Perski)

Benjamin Netanyahu (born Benjamin Mileikowsky)

Ehud Barak (born Ehud Brog)

Menachem Begin (born Mieczysław Biegun)

Yitzhak Shamir (born Yitzchak Yezernitsky)

Levi Eshkol (born Levi Shkolnik)

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What a beautiful and inspiring cry of hope for a better America going forward.

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Except for the small detail that he was not shot in the head or anywhere else.

Stop serving kool aid. https://rumble.com/v44d2r3-jfk-x-special-broadcast-witj-jay-weidner-and-jean-claude.html

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I cannot even imagine our world if RFK had not been killed by our very own disgusting government

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So, who is running for president?

Bobbie or Bobbie Jr.?

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A beautiful account and hope, how could you work for the NYTIMES?

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