Feb 16Liked by Aaron Good

Wow. Woe. Thank you for exposing the rot eating away the soul of America. I have heard about the atrocities the CIA commits against elected leaders in other countries for years. The assasinations etc. I knew they were bad. But I was safe as an American. It was only a matter of time before the lawless genociders would turn on their own countrymen. Brave are you and Bobby and all the other noble souls exposing these atrocities for our nations good people to see. I wanted to move away from America after seeing what they did to us during covid. But when Bobby decided to stay and fight he emboldened and empowered me. I think he is a savior messiah come to save our nation because ultimately my religion involves my life and my family’s freedom.

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Feb 16Liked by Aaron Good

Superb piece & spot-on. Another good source on this general subject matter is "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties" by Tom O'Neill. The late Ayatollah Khomeini was correct when he called the United States the Great Satan. There are only 2 countries on the planet that possess absolute impunity for the most heinous atrocities & crimes against humanity: the United States & the State of Israel.

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Adore Jeffery Kaye thrilled to see his work included big time hat tip for that! Connecting the killing cult from Watergate Plumbers to bioweapons is priceless.. too many folks are all in w Hollywood mythology of triumphant adversarial press & clueless Church-Pike findings of CIA criminality and media infiltration went to dustbin of history w WaPo thriller.. the side show that keeps giving.

"Regarding Watergate, there is a disturbing link between Olson’s assassination and the White House “Plumbers.” Back in 1953, the CIA Office of Security official sent to clean up the mess with the Manhattan police was future Watergate burglar James McCord. "

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Just one picky observation: no COVID-19 virus, lab-created or not, has been proven to exist yet. (see:

https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/ ) Which is not to say that a lot of our tax dollars haven't been spent doing stuff in Wuhan; etc. etc.

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no picky, a very critical fact, that peeps gloss over including RFK

let us include any virus in the discussion

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Jill, Isn’t this a fascinating rabbit hole to go down?

I have been researching this and a am pretty shocked to find it actually quite basic information. It makes sense!

The fact that everyone just blindly followed this “virus” ideology without question stopped all investigation into what “infection” is actually caused from.

I think Bechamp is an unsung hero, replaced by the politically connected fraud Pasteur (who reminds me of Fauci today).

Here is a great article with plenty of citations at the bottom for further exploration: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/notes-from-yesteryear/germ-theory-versus-terrain-the-wrong-side-won-the-day/#gsc.tab=0

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An interesting article, except that it avoids what is probably the chief cause of a lot of modern disease, viz., man-made electrification, which is why people worldwide (though mostly in localized areas where 5G had been switched on) were suddenly struck w/ ARDS in 2020. Morell & Cowan's THE CONTAGION MYTH, and especially Arthur Firstenberg's THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW, cover that.

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Yes, there are so many pieces to this puzzle. There is plenty of evidence linking the 5G to sickness. I have these books, but haven’t had time to read them yet.

It’s a little overwhelming just getting over my own internal shock as I progress each step of the way.

There is so much information to digest and so many things hitting us at the same time. I’m also following Reinette Senum’s Foghorn express as she battles the geoengineering that is not only killing us, but our entire ecosystem. Animals, trees and earth. She also has some interesting information on the 5G. The levels that they tried to install in her town, Nevada City, California were off the charts. She was able to block it but they are everywhere.

The shocks are becoming expected so aren’t as jolting to my psyche anymore at least! 😃

Here is Reinette’s substack if you are interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/reinettesenumsfoghornexpress/p/alec-zeck-of-the-way-forward-interviews?r=1dkbae&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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There are many explanations. You mentioned a few. Regardless staying on topic, the virus story is a gift that can keep on giving. Each new one, is but a test. There is infectious disease, question is what are the origin(s)...

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What research/proof do you have that "There is infectious disease"?

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there are dozens of such heros, but certainly Bechamp led the charge

The entire Pharma controlled medical cartel drank the kool aid and insisted on refills,

before going door to door

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If you actually have to ask that I cannot help you even if the purse were $50 mil

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Feb 17·edited Oct 10

I really don’t appreciate how easy it is for researchers to omit the reality of rape and murder in discussing the mind control systems of the United States military and intelligence apparatus.

Is it intentional or just out of politeness?

Are you specifically ignoring the existence and experience of sexually traumatized and murdered victims, or have you simply chosen to mine sources that have the imprimatur of academic and political support, within the so-called community of people who regard themselves as (and who cultivate the image of) the authority in such matters?

It has taken me tremendous work to live in a state of constant denial about my own experience- things I never wanted to accept was happening, had taken place, and have been ongoing. In the past year, however, I made a change and, in the face of continued pressure and intimidation, approached not only legal counsel, a district attorney working on prosecuting such abusers, and a Congressional member of an Intelligence Oversight Committee, and have slowly- clumsily, it could easily be said- begun to communicate with individuals in person and in digital spaces, such as this, for one single reason:

My childhood classmate was murdered in order for the CIA and the 15th Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, to create an asset out of my person; this ongoing process of sexual and medical violation created in me segmented personality states and abilities that I have done everything to ignore and, simultaneously, manage, on my own- the horrific truths established by these powerful people; I have refused the inducements of status and money (should I have devoted myself to their program of sexual and pathological deviance, in continued systems of torture, murder and occulted efforts to manipulate individuals and society, voluntarily)….

Despite these circumstances and pressures, I am staunchly committed to defending the sanctity of all life as an expression of the supreme, a single cosmic entity, and to speaking out against those who have chosen to make a mockery of American ideals and values- because I am still alive.

And this is the only reason- I speak because I am still living, in recognition of those who, on an ongoing basis, are still being taken, still being used, still being killed.

Life is short- one has to establish which side of the universe, in the spiritual sense, one will live and die on; one must appreciate the fragility and potential in the moral compass itself.

And you have a duty, in communicating about these subjects, to understand them accurately, clearly.

Denying that they are still going on and effectively covering up the existence of such programs and systems doesn’t educate the public about the dangers of military intelligence and what is going on- it sanitizes these actors, tacitly sanctions them and these programs and further hides the powerless children and adult victims manipulated and murdered, behind ignorance, under the guise of authoritative posturing and, perhaps, unintended deception through such literary and intellectual omission.

These programs never stopped- they continue. They are the sordid lifeblood and networking infrastructure of global power- economically, politically, socially- and act as the foundation for secretive lethal domestic activities.

I and others know, based on our ongoing personal experience, while the talking heads and journalists make their careers out of pretending this reality is not real.

But I spent the days after the abduction of this family friend, in mourning- and when my mother apprehensively offered me up to distant relatives, in an opportunity to be rid of me for a few days (as she was close to us all), I went on this ‘camping trip,’ knowing what it would entail- knowing what she’d signed me up for.

I had hoped, given my guilt, that I would be killed.

Instead, as an intentional process of occult and military action against my own mind, I was raped and forced to participate in her death, under threat, and with the understanding that neither I nor anyone in my family or sphere of personal contacts would ever be safe, at any time.

I tried to run. The most sterile image of what I went through is to share that I found myself running naked in the woods under the moonlight- that is, until I realized escaping under these conditions would only increase the likelihood of seeing others hurt in these terrible ways.

It is much the same with these platforms and opportunities: exposing the truth of what occurs doesn’t help the individual or circumstance- it only exposes an unwilling asset to incredulous and affected denialism and ridicule, as in ‘that can’t happen- this person *must* be making this up…’

I wish- and have wished, for decades- that this were the case.

I wish I were ‘only’ crazy, and that I wasn’t actually embedded in a murderous system of systems.

But I have a spiritual duty to speak the truth…

…I honestly don’t know what your sense of purpose or responsibility means to you.

As a feckless involuntary asset, one waiting to die by natural causes- or the will of the council established to manage these programs- I can only wonder… and hope for the best.

If America- or society at large- is to survive, it would require seeing more accurate and truthful information about these institutions and individuals come to light.

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A tour through the sorded history of this country.

Until this "Such are the likely origins of the COVID-19 virus"

Please Aaron, since you are so good at research and historical evidence, provide proof of said virus

and not the hui from the virus chasers... They gotcha Aaron.

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Thank you -- RFK Jr's books are also VERY GOOD on this topic.

Breaking News Investigations: The Fall of Russia-gate and the Corruption of Endless War, Live with Matt Taibbi and John Solomon | TRIGGERED Ep.110 – Feb. 15 – Trump, Jr. – VERY GOOD


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CIA=MOSSAD! Symbiotic Entity!

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