Breaking News: President-Elect Trump Says of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - “He’s Going to Help Make America Healthy Again”
Louis Conte, Health Freedom Editor, The Kennedy Beacon
During his victory speech early on November 6, President-elect Trump mentioned Robert F. Kennedy Jr., saying, “He’s going to help make America healthy again.”
Those words were music to the ears for many Kennedy supporters, some of whom, top brass at the American Values super PAC, which funds the The Kennedy Beacon, were seated close in a hotel room in West Palm Beach glued to a big screen TV at the moment Trump delivered them a few miles away.
“He’s a great guy,” Trump said, “and he really means that he wants to do some things, and we’re going to let him go to it.”
Trump supporters chanted, “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.”
Earlier, in a nearby hotel ballroom, Kennedy supporters clapped and cheered. They have been fighting for this outcome for some 19 months.
I have been in countless meetings with my coworkers at The Kennedy Beacon and AV24. For months it felt like this day would never come.
On many occasions someone would blurt out – 90 days! 48 days! One month! It seemed like this election thing we have been thinking and writing about was always off in the future.
But the future is now.
With Trump’s victory and his commitment to bringing Kennedy to the White House, all of us in the medical freedom movement are hoping for real change, not more of the same.
Because the same has not been working.
As Kennedy has said for months, there is a growing chronic illness epidemic in this country. The food we eat is corrupted by Big AG; the medicines, by Big Pharma.
Kennedy is charged up for the challenge.
This is a major victory.
It has been an amazing journey with team AV24.
As I voted yesterday, I found myself thinking about my first ‘political memory.’ Unfortunately, that memory is of the day that Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. I recall my teachers listening to press reports the next day on transistor radios, hoping that somehow, RFK would pull through. I remember them suddenly meeting in the hall. Many were crying.
As we left to walk home that day, sadness was everywhere. I remember walking home from Jefferson Elementary School, on Weyman Avenue in New Rochelle, in silence.
Later that night, my dad, a registered Republican, sat at the kitchen table, also in silence, tears welling in his blue eyes.
But today, I have different feelings.
I am hopeful about this new morning we’re waking up to. In the tradition of his father and uncle, Kennedy is poised to work for others, to help us as a nation become healthy again.
He has found his time, his calling and his platform – and that gives us hope.
In the past few months, I have watched Kennedy receive standing ovations and resounding cheers from crowds of Trump supporters.
These Americans, who the mainstream media insisted that we should despise, have warmly embraced a former opponent of Trump’s. The “MAGA crowd,” as they have been referred to, support Kennedy’s call to end corporate capture, clean up our food supply, beat back the grip of Big Pharma and end the chronic disease epidemic gripping the country.
Kennedy and Trump have shaken the establishment to the core. As I write this, articles are appearing in legacy media outlets expressing fear that Kennedy will damage America's faith in the public health establishment.
As if they had not already done incalculable damage to that faith without any help from Kennedy.
Over the past 19 months, Kennedy ran a campaign of truth. He took on issues that his old party turned away from. He challenged his party’s establishment just like his father did.
Kennedy will soon have defined roles in the new Trump administration. The roles he was destined to play.
In the end, Kennedy’s campaign was not about seeking the power of the Oval Office.
It was about us.
All that Kennedy has gone through in his campaign was explained by his father years ago:
“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society,” said Robert F. Kennedy Sr. “Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”
During his presidential run and afterward, supporting Trump, Kennedy has lived the words of his father.
Trump’s win is a win for Kennedy, for all Americans, and for all of us at the Beacon and AV24 who have fought so fervently and so long for a man unafraid to lead with moral courage.