Louis Conte, Headline Editor, The Kennedy Beacon
As you are likely aware, New York State Supreme Court Judge Christina Ryba ruled that independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. must be removed from the New York State ballot.
Judge Ryba nullified the signatures of 145,000 New York voters over a case brought by the Clear Choice super PAC, which claimed that Kennedy did not establish residency under New York State Election Law.
Kennedy is appealing, and stated, “This case is an assault on New York voters who signed in record numbers to place me on their ballot. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has become a party that uses lawfare in place of the democratic election process. We will appeal and we will win.”
This decision, by a Democrat judge, in a Democratic state brought by a Democrat super PAC is yet another example of the war that the DNC has declared on Kennedy.
The Democrat president denied Kennedy Secret Service protection for over a year. Kennedy had to pay for private protection, costing his campaign millions.
The Democrat-aligned political organizations have filed legal challenges against Kennedy’s ballot drive in several states, costing the campaign millions in legal fees.
So far all of those challenges have ultimately failed, but the DNC-aligned media has not reported that. Kennedy has accomplished a political miracle and delivered over one million signatures. Within weeks, he will be eligible to be on the ballot in all 50 states.
The DNC-aligned media has not reported on the signatures but has reported extensively on the New York Supreme Court ruling. By my last count, over 30 news outlets have done news items on it, each with a flagrant lack of understanding about Kennedy’s connection to New York State, many presenting Kennedy as a carpetbagger.
These are the same media sycophants cheerleading for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who has been selected – not elected – by about eight DNC elites. And yet Harris will appear on every state ballot in the country. The primary votes cast by the party faithful for Joe Biden have been nullified by a handful of patronizing people who insist they know better.
Democrats are getting good at nullifying. All those primaries cost state taxpayers a fortune. The DNC elites pissed that money away.
As a New Yorker and someone who has worked with Kennedy on different issues over the years, I need to clarify a few things for our readers.
I have seen Kennedy kicking around New York for forty years. We live in the same county.
In the 2015 photograph below, yours truly appears in the middle of the Taconic State Parkway in the beautiful Hudson Valley in New York State with Kennedy, Attorney Kevin Barry, and Skyhorse CEO Tony Lyons (now co-chair of our parent organization, AV24).
How did we get there?
We met Kennedy at his home in Westchester County, which is in New York State, and drove to a press conference that Kennedy gave on vaccine safety in the Legislative Office Building in Albany, which is the capital of New York State. In attendance were New York State legislators, one of whom remarked to me, “It’s good to see Bobby in action again.” On the way back, I mentioned to Kennedy that it was weird that legislators wanted their picture taken with him even though they disagreed with his vaccine safety advocacy. “Something weird happens to me every day,” he replied.
Two minutes later, we observed an eighteen-wheeler barreling south on the Taconic, which is in New York State. Because Kennedy is a New Yorker, he knew that trucks of that size were not allowed on parkways in New York State. Even more worrying, the truck would soon slam into a bridge overpass, looming on the horizon. I was driving, so I gave Kennedy my spare badge (I was in law enforcement at the time), and we waved the badges out the car window and pulled the truck over, averting a calamity.
In that moment, Kennedy did more for New York State infrastructure than the Biden administration ever has.
I have attended gatherings and meetings with Kennedy in New York City in recent years, which, if you did not know, is in New York State. Years ago, I had a meeting with Kennedy and other attorneys at Pace University, where he taught courses in environmental law for years. Pace University is in White Plains, which is in New York State.
You might be aware that Kennedy was the leading attorney who, along with the Riverkeeper Alliance, brought dozens of cases against polluters which eventually led to the rebirth of the Hudson River, which is in New York State.
The other day, I had the pleasure of watching kids land a striped bass in Kingsland Point Park on the Hudson River. It was a stretch of water that thirty years before was dead and lifeless. Thirty years ago, no one fished there.
Kennedy fought dozens of legal battles in New York that restored the Hudson and gave those kids the thrill of catching that fish.
Kennedy is a fighter. He has given his heart and soul to New York.
Now, elitist punks at the DNC, afraid Kennedy will siphon off votes from Harris, are trying to take the heart and soul out of New York. They are trying to make you believe Kennedy isn’t a resident of New York (he is), isn’t registered to vote in New York (he is), doesn’t maintain an active law and driver’s licenses in the state (he does), and doesn’t pay New York State taxes (he does).
145,000 New Yorkers want Kennedy on the ballot. They know a real New Yorker when they see one. No Democrat judge can tell them otherwise.
Welcome to the world Trump has been living in since he announced he was running for president the first time. The DNC knows no bounds.
While I’m still undecided about whom I’m voting for, I get so tired of the BS of the dems.
Mr Kennedy deserves to be on the ballot in every state. He absolutely is a valid, and to me, a valuable addition to this race.
The lawfare consistently pressed by the DNC is crazy. This isn't about the legality of anything, it is about penalizing free thinkers and anyone who won't use them to gain electoral success. They don't want him anywhere near washington - they know it will be the end of their cushy lifestyle of revolving door crony capitalism.