By Liam Sturgess, The Kennedy Beacon
To say that 2023 has been a wild year is an understatement.
Since launching in July 2023, The Kennedy Beacon (TKB) has published over 370 articles, covering the full range of issues that Americans face every day. We’ve followed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign for the presidency through its twists and turns, and we’re just getting warmed up. 2024 is sure to bring no shortage of challenges and opportunities, and we’re ready to face each with incisive coverage and commentary.
Our team of writers, editors and producers has learned much along the way, and we are deeply grateful for all of the support you, our readers, have given us. Without you, we could not do what we do.
Without further ado, The Kennedy Beacon presents our top 10 articles of 2023 (in no particular order):
Bobby Unbound by David Talbot
Opinion: Why Vanity Fair’s Hit Piece on Kennedy Backfires by Frances Scott
How the DNC Rigs the Primaries by Niko House
Who’s Behind “BAN RFK Jr”? by Liam Sturgess
RFK Jr.’s Fight against Financial Authoritarianism Will Restore Liberty and Prosperity by Adam Garrie
The Eyes of Adrian Paul Aispuro by Louis Conte
The DNC Hate Machine by Keala Kelly
Why I Had to Leave the Democratic Party by Timothy Canova
Meta’s Deep Connections to the CIA, FBI, and Censorship by Name Redacted
The Real History of the War in Ukraine by Jeffrey D. Sachs
Bobby Unbound by David Talbot
Above all else, RFK Jr. is a candidate who symbolizes what a person can accomplish when they embrace their independence — whether from institutional forces, partisan bickering, or corporate influence. This doesn’t just apply to the President of the United States, but also to each American. In his October 9, 2023 editorial, New York Times best-selling author David Talbot highlights the significance of RFK Jr.’s declaration of independence from the Democratic Party and political parties in general, kicking off an independent presidential run that has already etched its place in the history books.
Opinion: Why Vanity Fair’s Hit Piece on Kennedy Backfires by Frances Scott
Hit pieces are unavoidable in modern politics, often playing off of real flaws in a politician’s character or policy positions. But as Frances Scott points out, Vanity Fair’s attempt against RFK Jr. managed to entirely miss the mark. Devoid of journalistic integrity and replete with obvious bias, the article serves as a testament to how difficult it has been for the institutional media to succeed in smear campaigns against RFK Jr. In Scott’s opinion piece for TKB, she expertly disassembles Vanity Fair’s hit piece, “piece-by-piece.”
How the DNC Rigs the Primaries by Niko House
It’s no secret that the Democratic Party has been compromised for many decades, but many Americans still don’t know the full extent of it. In one of the most revealing articles this year, columnist Niko House exposes in great detail the ways in which the Democratic National Committee derailed Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, told from the perspective of an experienced insider working on the ground. Most importantly, Niko shows how the DNC was repeating the process to ensure nobody – especially Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – could challenge the incumbent President, Joe Biden.
Who’s Behind “BAN RFK Jr.”? by Liam Sturgess
After Democrats across the United States received a text message urging them to support banning RFK Jr. from the ballot, investigative reporter Liam Sturgess stepped in to expose the hidden hand apparently pulling the strings: Facebook co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz. The article went viral across social media, with republications and shares by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey; the Centre for Research on Globalization; anti-war activist Lew Rockwell; Jeffrey Tucker at the Brownstone Institute; and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. himself. This first entry in our “Who’s Behind” series closes out the year as the second most popular article on The Kennedy Beacon.
RFK Jr.’s Fight against Financial Authoritarianism Will Restore Liberty and Prosperity by Adam Garrie
While politicians debate ideological differences in the hallowed halls of Washington, far too many Americans face debilitating financial hardship at home. In his excellent piece for The Kennedy Beacon published on November 28, 2023, Adam Garrie lays out how the U.S. financial system is designed to maintain control over the population while enriching elites, and applauds RFK Jr.’s proposed policies to oppose the rollout of anti-liberty instruments such as Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).
The Eyes of Adrian Paul Aispuro by Louis Conte
While Louis Conte is primarily known as Headlines Editor for The Kennedy Beacon, he is also a highly accomplished polygraph examiner, a skillset that lent itself perfectly to helping us process the shocking near-miss attempt on RFK Jr.’s life on September 15, 2023. Louis expertly analyzes the disturbing TikTok video posted by the would-be assassin, Adrian Paul Aispuro, identifying telltale signs of a man who is unwell and seeking to do violence. Louis’ insightful piece came in the midst of RFK Jr.'s ongoing struggle to receive Secret Service protection, which Biden’s Department of Homeland Security continues to withhold from the historic independent candidate for president.
The DNC Hate Machine by Anne Keala Kelly
In her September 6, 2023 article for The Kennedy Beacon, editor and writer Anne Keala Kelly shows how RFK Jr.’s antiwar position has garnered the same ire from the political institution as his father and uncle before him – ironically, from the so-called “anti-war” Democratic Party. As the world suffers the deadly results of global conflicts, the military-industrial complex continues to grow and prosper. As Keala points out, opposition to this complex has always guaranteed candidates such as the Kennedys and Bernie Sanders will earn the “conspiracy nut” label – a surefire sign they’re on the right track.
Why I Had to Leave the Democratic Party by Timothy Canova
RFK Jr. is not the first candidate to challenge the Democratic Party institution, and he won’t be the last. A notable example is Timothy Canova, who shared his experience going after the seat of Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Chair of the DNC. Canova lays out how the system turned all of its resources against him, using Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks to cripple his fundraising capabilities, and disrupting his momentum against the incumbent Congresswoman. Ironically, Wasserman Shultz would attempt to censor RFK Jr. during his testimony at a Congressional hearing on censorship.
Meta’s Deep Connections to the CIA, FBI, and Censorship by Name Redacted
While many Americans felt the brunt of social media censorship for the first time during the COVID-19 era, few understood the depth and breadth of the censorship-industrial complex. In his article published by The Kennedy Beacon on Halloween, Name Redacted exposes the intricate links between the intelligence community, federal law enforcement, and social media/big tech giants, targeting not just political adversaries, but attempting to control the dialogue between American citizens online and to demonize dissent.
The Real History of the War in Ukraine by Jeffrey Sachs
Finally, our most popular article of 2023 was written by economist Jeffrey Sachs, who eloquently and expertly dismantles the failing narrative around the war in Ukraine. In a guest post, published on July 17, Sachs’ call for peace in the region resonated with the American public, which has had enough of supporting conflicts overseas while neglecting existential issues at home, such as the epidemic of chronic diseases and the cost of living crisis.
Honorable Mentions
The Kennedy Assassination Scare and its Haunting Resonance by Aaron Good
All the News the CIA Sees Fit to Print by David Talbot
Kennedy v. Google & YouTube by John S. Leake
Who’s Funding the DNC? by Liam Sturgess
Will Rigging the Primaries Backfire on the DNC? by Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos
Thank you all once again for supporting The Kennedy Beacon in 2023. From all of us at TKB and American Values 2024, we wish you Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year. We look forward to taking a leap of faith with you into 2024.
My vote is for Jeffery Sach's Oct 9th article "Three Cheers for RFK Jr.’s Candidacy," Another of his articles worth reading is Sach's Nov 2nd article, "Israel’s Chance to Turn Carnage into Peace" -- Friends do not let friends commit crimes against humanity.
However, shortly after his Nov 2nd article was posted and emailed to subscribers, it was removed by the Beacon. Unfortunately, to now read it, you'll have to search "Common Dreams" or go to his website https://www.jeffsachs.org/newspaper-articles/4rzpgss7pzez5ym4jemkz2p4l5tjp6
Why? I'd guess Sach's "got ahead of his skis" vs the RFK Jr campaign position.